The CVIX was at its lowest level in March with a value of 19 today. A video was posted earlier today explaining the CVIX and Zig Zag Count indicators.
The One Million MNS was up 0.07% while the 250K Portfolio was up +$140 in live trading only take some select signals in the Sibilance NQ setup. The hypothetical results for Sibilance NQ was -$3,820 trading 5 Micros.
The hypothetical results for the Stock Index Portfolio 10 was +$955.
The hypothetical results for the 50K Portfolio was -$300.
The hypothetical results for the NQ Two System Portfolio was +$930.
The hypothetical results for the NQ Five System Portfolio was -$820.
Friday has been one of our favorite trading days so we look forward to finishing the week strong. CVIX had a reading of less than 1 at the close today so any end of day CVIX filtering would generate a "Trade Tomorrow" signal.