The market bounced on Friday about 2 - 2.5% in the indexes but closed below Mondays highs. From about 3:52 pm EST yesterday until 9:30 am EST today there was about a 280 point rally in the Nasdaq 100 futures and was the overnight smooth and stealth rally that we have seen many times. At the open, the Nasdaq 100 quickly rallied 170 points and then reversed the entire gains and then some to take out the morning lows before a very choppy rally of 230 points from the Michigan Sentiment low to the close. There was also some wild volatility at the day session close with a spike to 19,742.50 (resistance at 19750) 3 minutes before the cash close before plunging 70 points in the next 4 minutes.
The Zig Zag Count indicator closed at +9 today, the lowest reading since February 24, 2025. To give a visual of how elevated this level has been, we created a 3 year chart lookback through Thursday's trade below. Most of the spikes don't persist as long as the recent spike has persisted.

The persistence of elevated Zig Zags (number of reversals) has been extreme lately. We are continue focus on the best way to quantify and measure some of the differences in the market.
The hypothetical results for Sibilance NQ was +$282.50. The One Million MNS took some of the stronger signals and was up 0.16% on the day while the 250K Portfolio was up $400 on the day in live trading.
The hypothetical results for the Stock Index Portfolio 100 was -$1,655 per E-mini and 1/10th per Micro.
The hypothetical results for the 50K Portfolio was +$2,255.
The hypothetical results for the Two System Portfolio NQ was -$2,625 with V-Reversal taking a short loss on the day.
The hypothetical results for the Five System Portfolio NQ was -$1,955 with the V-Reversal loss and Open Range NQ taking a loss of -$1000 while Gap Continuation 2019 broke an extended losing streak and was up +$1,710.
Viper 2025 NQ v2 using a start time of 10:30 am EST went 4 for 5 with a +$1,475 hypothetical profit.
Zig Zag $700 Profit Target was +$800 on the day while Zig Zag $1200 Profit Target was -$2,500.