In November 2022, the 200K Portfolio was up $49,395.30 in live trading trading while the hypotheticals were +$38,780.00.
The hypotheticals for the month were based on switching between the Stock Index Portfolio 18 MIT and Stock Indext Portfolio 18 MIT + BLITZ. The total results were higher than either individual portfolio.
The hypotheticals for the Stock Index Portfolio 18 MIT was +$25,192.50 while the hypotheticals for the Stock Index Portfolio 18 MIT + BLITZ is $13,985.00.
We traded each combination on different days, adjusting based on risk to worse case drawdown to out perform the portfolios individually.
Our live results out performed the hypotheticals mainly based on our early exit on November 23, 2022, day before Thanksgiving after reviewing the portfolio performance for days in which the FOMC minutes are released. Six out of six of the last FOMC minute releases (not FOMC meetings) have been big losers in 2022.