Today, the market was runup in the pre-market in anticipation of buyers. The net move for the day was in the pre-market and done by the time the day session opened. The day session was just a chop fest not really worth trading right now. A couple of our strategies did well and Zig Zag NQ did well but overall, the 200K Portfolio was down -$2,740 and the 50K Portfolio was down -$822 based on hypothetical trading system signals. We did not trade live today since we are waiting for a drawdown of 15-17K to start. We are trading Robot 2022 NQ live but it it did not trade today.
The NYSE TICK hit its highest levels today in 21 years. The market looks like it has been dragged up against its will. We could see more of this price action since it is seasonal, even though I believe prices should be much lower in equities. Extreme short term distortions can happen in markets as the bullish liquidity is anxious to buy.